Make a financial contribution.

Please consider donating to sustain the clinic. Thank you for your support!

We share medicine rooted in Ukraine’s vibrant herbal medicine traditions.

The medicines offer much needed relief to survivors of russia’s genocidal
re-invasion of Ukraine: A small exhale; a familiar embrace; a soft landing amid the enormity of the grief.

Latest Clinic Update

russia’s genocidal re-invasion of Ukraine has inflicted immense devastation across Ukraine’s gorgeous cities and villages — a devastation layered atop three and a half centuries of russian colonization.

People arrive at the evacuation stop traumatized by the surreal horrors of this genocide: The murders of their loved ones, mass graves, mass rape, mass torture, shellings, destroyed homes, starvation, and countless other senseless cruelties committed by russians.

We share medicine rooted in Ukraine’s vibrant herbal medicine traditions. The medicines offer much needed relief: A small exhale, a familiar embrace; a soft landing amid the enormity of the grief. Many people are moved to tears at the clinic tent.

A big thank you to all who have shared donations.

Please consider donating. We’re almost out of medicine and are in urgent need of donations to sustain the clinic.

Deep gratitude.

Looking to contribute in other ways? Volunteer or donate supplies.